Introducing The All New 'Eat Me I'm Wild' Range Of Dinner Sauces
For Your Wellbeing, The Products Contain Only The Finest, Natural, Australian-Grown Ingredients And Are Certified ‘Gluten Free’. Produced In Approved Premises With A Fully Automated Production Line (Certificates Held: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 And HASAP) Certified Gluten Free. Please contact us

Roast Vegetable and Wild Tomato Pasta Sauce
A touch of our specialty the very wild tomato is added to our Roast Vegetable & Wild Tomato Pasta Sauce ...for the spice of life! The robust flavour is derived from the dried berries of the wild growing Solanum centrale plant found only in the arid regions of Australia and used by the Aborigines since the dawn of time. This is a Mediterranean style sauce and perfectly suited for any pasta dish as well as a delicious pour over sauce for steaks, chicken and tofu Simply heat and pour

Rich Tomato And Cumin Moroccan style Sauce
A touch of our specialty the wild Tasmanian Mountain Pepper is added to our Rich Tomato & Cumin Sauce ...for the spice of life! The robust flavour is derived from the wild growing Tasmannia lanceolata plant only found in the Tasmanian Mountains and used by indigenous people since the dawn of time. This is an Moroccan style sauce and perfectly suited for lamb, beef and chicken dishes served with cous-cous but also delicious with grilled Haloumi cheese or crispy fried Tempeh Simply heat and pour

Wild Wattleseed Satay
A touch of our specialty the “wild Wattleseed “ is added to our Satay Sauce ...for the spice of life! The robust flavour is derived from the roasted seeds of the wild growing Acacia victoriae flowers. Found only in the arid regions of Australia and used by the Aborigines since the dawn of time. This is an Asian style Satay sauce which is perfectly suited for an traditional Satay dish be it chicken or beef and is also delicious poured over steamed vegetables.
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